Total residents: 6 Number of residents old enough to vote: 5 Average age of residents: 36 Flavors of toothpaste in the house: 6 Subscriptions to the New Yorker: 2 Residents who play the piano: 3 Cars owned: 2 Bicycles owned: 7 Pianos: 1 Languages spoken/read: 8 Languages not English: Japanese, Spanish, Latin, German, Mandarin, Arabic, Turkish Residents who have lived abroad: 3 Who listen to National Public Radio: 5 Who like to sing: 4 Who play chess: 3 Kinds of tea in the pantry: 17 Kinds of coffee: 5 Kinds of cocoa: 3 Varieties of balsamic vinegar before reorganization: 7 Varieties after: 4 Longest time a jigsaw puzzle stayed unfinished on dining table: 4 weeks Number of televisions in house: 1 Number of bookcases: 10 Number of board games: 12 Months the fireplace was used this year: 5 Seed varieties planted in vegetable garden: 11 Varieties that actually grew: 7 Largest zucchini last season: 2 feet Largest icicle this season: 5 feet Height of tallest resident: 6 feet Height of ceilings: 9 feet Height of mulberry tree in garden: 25 feet Length of mulberry season: 3 weeks Amount of mulberry pancakes eaten: not nearly enough
AFH Statistical Abstract (Spring 2013)
Total residents: 6 Number of residents old enough to vote: 6 Number of residents eligible to vote in the US: 5 Ratio of Democrats to French: 5:1 Average age of residents: 43 Residents who play the piano: 3 Who sing: 3 Who contra-dance: 2 Cars owned: 4.5 Bicycles owned: 14 Scrabble sets: 3 Pianos: 1 Harpsichords: 1 Dogs: 1 Residents who rock-climb: 2 Residents who knit: 2 Kinds of tea in the pantry: 23 Kinds of coffee: 3 Kinds of cocoa: 4 Most numerous items stored in basement (tied): Legos and lumps of coal Longest time a jigsaw puzzle stayed unfinished on the coffee table: 2 weeks Number of televisions in house: 1 Number of bookcases: 12 Flavors of ice cream in fridge: 3 Flavors of herbs planted last season: Basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, marjoram, oregano, cilantro, basil, chives, basil Frequency herbs needed watering: twice a week Frequency the tomatoes did: twice a day Length of dog (nose to tail): 3 feet 6 inches Height of tallest resident: 6 feet 2 inches Height of ceilings: 9 feet Height of mulberry tree in garden: 30+ feet Length of mulberry season: 4 weeks Amount of mulberry pancakes eaten: not nearly enough